St. Patrick's
Since 1850, the parish community of Saint Patrick has served the town of Trevorton, PA. Continuing a tradition dating back more than 170 years, we remain a community cherishing diverse ethnic origins, while remaining thoroughly Catholic.
331 W Shamokin St., Trevorton PA, 17881 570-797-8251
Weekend Masses
Sunday 9am
Weekday Masses
@ Mother Cabrini Church 8am daily
Holy Hour
Wednesdays 12:00 noon
Our Lady of Hope Parish Office - Chapel
Saturdays 3:15pm - 3:45pm @ Our Lady of Hope or by appointment
Marriage & Baptism
Call for an appointment.
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 10am - 5pm
Patrick Clothing Closet
Inviting those in need of clothing to browse through a selection of gently-used adult and children's clothes.
2nd & 4th Tuesday from 4-6 pm
Reopening Tuesday October 26, 2021
Patrick's Pantry
Providing a generous variety of canned goods and other packaged foods, to promote additional nutrition for those whose needs are left unmet through other sources.
2nd & 4th Tuesday from 4-6 pm
Enter by the side door on 4th Street